Why do I need to give Student Hero consent to use the personal information submitted to the online loan application form?

We need personal information from the student and their surety/sponsor to determine if they are creditworthy and can afford to repay the loan. In addition to using the information to do the affordability and credit assessment, we also need to collect your information in order to connect and facilitate your loan application to our funding partners (ABSA, Capitec Bank,  Standard Bank, Manati Alternate Student Funding, Nedbank and Fundi) and also to convey the outcome of your loan application to the relevant educational institution. You will be asked to provide information about the student’s studies, employment, income, expenses, contact details, and address, by completing our online loan application form (hereinafter referred to as only Personal Information). However, for us to proceed to process, connect and facilitate your application to our funding partners, we need your written, telephonic or electronic consent. You can give your consent on the phone as all our calls are recorded or electronically when you complete the online application. It is important that you read the consent conditions and understand how we manage your data for the purposes of facilitating your loan application. Privacy is important to Student Hero and its funding partners. Student Hero and its funding partners will use reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information in their possession or processed on their behalf is kept confidential, stored in a secure manner and processed in terms of South African law and or applicable Data Protection Legislation, for the purposes that you have supplied it. 

By giving Student Hero your written, telephonic or electronic consent to use your Personal Information, you consent to the following terms and conditions by making the following declaration:


This Consent Form has been explained to me in plain language and I now declare, consent to, and declare that: 

Do you give Student Hero consent to use your Personal Information, to conduct credit and affordability checks and facilitate your loan application in terms of the above terms and conditions?